Converting a JavaScript Map to JSON

Ok, let’s cut to the chase. Everyone knows that converting a JavaScript Map to JSON does not work out of the box. By default, the JSON.stringify method will return a {} when converting a Map. It’s super helpful, because it returns an empty object, which is usually precisely what we don’t want. That’s a wee bit frustrating!

How Not to Serialize a Map to JSON

The internet has provided us with the silver bullet, though, right? Object.entries is great and can do all things, right? WRONG. That is wrong and you are wrong if you think that it’s right. You see what I’m getting at?

The existing advice is to use Object.fromEntries and Object.entries in tandem to make it easy to convert a map to and from JSON. The code below shows you this method in all it’s glory.

// ### inspired code below
const mapToSerialize = new Map([[1, 'first key']])
const serializedMap = JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(mapToSerialize ))

// now deserialize
const deserializedMap = new Map(Object.entries(JSON.parse(serializedMap)))

Isn’t the code above beautiful? Doesn’t it just wonderfully handle our serialization in the best of ways? No! It doesn’t. Let’s compare the original map to the deserialized map and see how amazing the code works.

The original map looks like this when logged to the console Map(1) {1 => 'first key'}. The deserialized map looks like this when logged to the console: Map(1) {'1' => 'first key'}. Did you spot the difference?

Just to make things clear, let’s try to delete the keyed value out of our Map.

Hey look, deleting that value totally didn’t work

So really, in the end, our serialization using the currently advised method totally works. We serialize our map, deserialize it, and then can’t use it properly. Just as we expected.

NO. It doesn’t work correctly. The difference is that the original map uses an integer key, and the deserialized map uses a string key. When we attempt to delete the value out of the deserialized map, using the key, it fails because the type doesn’t match.

How to Serialize a Map to JSON

I am proposing a different way to serialize a map to JSON.

  1. Create a new array from the existing map
  2. Serialize the array to JSON
  3. Create a new map from the deserialized JSON

The code I propose looks like this. You might not want to keep the logging at the end in your own implementations.

/// ### ugly code below
const mapToSerialize = new Map([[1, 'first key']])

// convert the map to JSON
const arrayToSerialize = []
mapToSerialize.forEach((value, key) => arrayToSerialize.push([key, value]))
const serializedMap = JSON.stringify(arrayToSerialize)

// convert the JSON back to a map
const deserializedMap = new Map(JSON.parse(serializedMap))

// log to console for inspection

This code correctly works to serialize and deserialize a map to/from JSON.

Look at that, both maps match

In Conclusion

Serializing a Map to and from JSON isn’t as simple as it looks on the outside. Especially if from the outside it looks like it would be super simple. The Object.entries silver bullet only works for Maps with string keys, and attempting to use it for Maps with integer keys will end up with you hating your life. You probably will start listening to Barry Manilow constantly. You might even start eating Quinoa. I’m sure it happens all of the time due to Map serialization woes.

Anyways, if you prefer to not eat Quinoa, then go ahead and convert your Maps to and from JSON the way I suggested above.

That’s all I have to say about that.

Deserializing JSON to a .NET Object

Generally in .NET MVC you would use the default model binders to deserialize JSON to a .NET object. However, there are some cases, involving “complex” collections, where this becomes a bit tedious to do. Microsoft provides a few ways around this, but none are satisfactory. Unlike the default model binders, the JavaScriptSerializer provides support for deserializing JSON to a .NET object with complex collections.

Take the following simple class and method signature for example:

// simple class
public class SaveInformation
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, List<SaveItem>> Components { get; set; }

// method signature
public ActionResult Save(SaveInformation saveInformation)

Below I’ve included some simple JSON that we will pass to .NET via AJAX:

{"SaveToSession":false,"Name":"My Stupendous Thing","Components":{"Component1":[{"ProductId":"1234"}]}}

We are passing the JSON to .NET using AJAX with the “application/json” contentType. Because we are using the “application/json” contentType, .NET will automatically call the JsonValueProviderFactory and map the information over to our SaveInformation model. It seems pretty straight forward, the Save method will receive a SaveInformation object when it is called.

Not so straightforward unfortunately, the Save method does receive a SaveInformation object. If we inspect our SaveInformation object we see the Name is populated perfectly fine, but the Components dictionary ends up being null.

The reason for this? It seems that the JsonValueProviderFactory doesn’t fully support pure JSON syntax. In order for .NET to properly parse a complex collection, you actually have to give it a numerical index.


Though it’s somewhat counterintuitive, JSON requests have the same requirements—they, too, must adhere to the form post naming syntax. Take, for example, the JSON payload for the previous UnitPrice collection. The pure JSON array syntax for this data would be represented as:

    { "Code": "USD", "Amount": 100.00 },
    { "Code": "EUR", "Amount": 73.64 }

However, the default value providers and model binders require the data to be represented as a JSON form post:

    "UnitPrice[0].Code": "USD",
    "UnitPrice[0].Amount": 100.00,

    "UnitPrice[1].Code": "EUR",
    "UnitPrice[1].Amount": 73.64

I know right? It was hard for me to read this as well due to the anime-sized tears in my normal-sized eyes. The problem is, no browser I know of has a JSON.serializeForDotNet function. So this leaves us with two options, make our own JSON serializer, or make our own ValueProvider/ModelBinder. Neither of these options sounded very appealing to me, so I went with the hidden third option. Pass in a string 🙂

You can use the JavaScriptSerializer class, located in System.Web.Script.Serialization, to deserialize JSON information and, as an added bonus, it actually handles properly formatted pure JSON!

So, the new method looks like this. We pass in a string value and deserialize it using the JavaScriptSerializer. Now we receive a SaveInformation object with a fully populated Components dictionary.

public ActionResult Save(string saveInformation)
    // instantiate a JavaScriptSerializer
    JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

    // use the JavaScriptSerializer to deserialize our json into the expected object
    SaveInformation saveInformationObject = serializer.Deserialize<SaveInformation>(saveInformation);

Use a JSON Parser to Visualize a JSON String

Just noting this here for future reference.

Whenever I am working with JSON I find it useful to be able to parse it. Now I can certainly parse it with Chrome’s inspector and see it in the console… but it’s nice to have an easy online tool to use as well.

The tool I use, and the tool that has helped me find several issues in the past, is JSON Parser Online. It’s really nice to be able to see the JSON string on the left and the parsed object on the right.